What "losing your voice" can look like.
Becoming a bully or a pushover
Feeling the need to yell to get your point across because you feel no one cares, or listens
Not speaking up and staying in situations that are harmful to you (mentally, physically, emotionally) due to lack of options or fear of rejection/retaliation.
Feeling like your answers or boundaries need to be explained in detail otherwise they won’t be respected
Become manipulative
Someone who doesn’t share how they feel because of a fear of “disrupting the peace”
A boss who is a dictator and tyrant
An abusive person
Loss of identity
Become a people pleasers
People who place all of their value in success or money
Someone who has “no filter” and just says any and everything, regardless how it effects people or without thinking about it
Forgetting to take care of yourself or always leaving yourself for last
Need to have power and success to validate importance or worth
Seeking validation everywhere
Living for others
Internalizing others’ opinions
Low self esteem
Isolation and loneliness
Mental health challenges
Lack of empowerment
Difficulty building relationships
Limited personal growth
Physical health consequences
Lack of civic engagement
Negative impact on decision making
Letting trauma remove the part of you that you loved.
Feeling like you never quite fit in/ rejection
Feeling like no one understands you or cares to understand you